Editorial codes of ethics are intended to ensure the reliability of reported information by defining acceptable practices; and providing guidelines about circumstances to avoid that could interfere with, or appear to interfere with, the reliability of reported information.
Circumstances to avoid include conflicts of interest. The guidelines assist creators in identifying and dealing with ethical dilemmas. When such circumstances cannot be avoided, they should be disclosed so that recipients of reported information can judge potential bias in the reporting. The codes and canons provide creators with a framework for self-monitoring and self-correction.
Editorial standards are guided by five values:
1. Honesty: creators must be truthful. It is unacceptable to report information known to be false, or report facts in a misleading way to give a wrong impression;
2. Independence and objectivity: creators should avoid topics in which they have a financial or personal interest that would provide them a particular benefit in the subject matter, as that interest may introduce bias into their reporting, or give the impression of such bias. In cases where a creator may have a specific financial or personal interest, the interest should be disclosed;
3. Fairness: creators must present facts with impartiality and neutrality, presenting other viewpoints and sides to a story where these exist. It is unacceptable to slant facts;
4. Diligence: a creator should gather and present pertinent facts to provide a good understanding of the subject reported;
5. Accountability: a creator must be accountable for their work, and prepared to accept criticism and consequences.